
Why I’m writing this….

I am a lifelong mountain biker who rarely lacks motivation. I had always ridden bikes off road like most kids but in 1976 I bought a “scrambler” for 70 pence. This was a bike which was dedicated to off road use. In 1977 I added a homemade suspension fork. I used the front suspension unitsContinue reading “Why I’m writing this….”

I’m in love again.

Due to a heart condition, which will hopefully be fixed later this year, I’ve had to take to E biking instead of riding an unassisted mountain bike. Whilst I’ve enjoyed getting out in the fresh air I haven’t enjoyed riding the E bike nearly as much as my other bikes. I built it by convertingContinue reading “I’m in love again.”

I’m still riding!

I ride my mountain bike regularly but haven’t been recording my rides with the app. Strava. This has been because I use the bike for utilitarian purposes such as collecting fire wood. This actually counts as a hobby. I don’t have to collect wood and could instead rely on gas fired central heating or onlyContinue reading “I’m still riding!”

Flower of the Week, 6th February 2024.

The winter has been generally mild, though we’re expecting snow tonight. The snowdrops seem to be quite early and even they were preceeded by the helibores.


I’m waiting for my heart valve to be repaired so that I can ride my bike hard again. In the meantime I need to maintain the best level of fitness I can without straining the heart. I keep my heart rate to around 100 bpm which restricts me to fairly gentle efforts. Fortunately, having convertedContinue reading “Waiting.”

So, where have I been?

I haven’t written in a while, not because I’ve not ridden my mountain bike, but rather because it hasn’t given me the kind of excitement which riding has traditionally done. I’ve used the electrically assisted bike for utilitarian purposes, such has foraging for fire wood (hence solving the energy crisis), in addition to the oddContinue reading “So, where have I been?”